Equality Objectives
Whatever the nature of the local community, students are growing up in a wider multicultural and multiracial society where they are subject to various attitudes towards minority groups, and also certain images of these groups portrayed by the media.

“I’ve been really lucky to attend school trips and residentials during my time at Humphrey Perkins. We are encouraged to take part in student leadership opportunities during every year at Humphrey Perkins and I am proud to be a Prefect.”

“Being a student at Humphrey Perkins is absolutely amazing. We are a community where everyone looks after one another and we all know where to go when we need support or advice. All the staff are friendly and down to earth and I feel really safe at school.”
Values and Ethos
We are a friendly, welcoming and caring school. We believe that people achieve more when they feel happy, secure and valued. Our philosophy is to educate the whole person; we want pupils to enjoy their learning and we have high expectations for their academic, creative and social progress.